
I wonder if anyone on MOU might know the email address of a Harvey Sobieck
who lives up near Grand Marais, (which you could send to me directly), he
is the birder I enjoyed spending some time with yesterday up in Grand
Marais.  I'd like to send him a message if anyone knew his email adress,
(maybe he is on MOU himself) .. Together we saw some Long-tailed Ducks out
on Lake Superior and also surprisingly an immature / 1st winter
White-Crowned Sparrow yesterday morning.

I submitted the sparrow in my Grand Marais Harbor checklist, and I see it
made the ebird MN rare bird list which was emailed this morning, but it
doesn't show up in the Grand Marais Harbor hotspot list, or the species
list either for Grand Marais Harbor, which I also checked  based on an
ebird FAQ I read online... The way reporting shows up or not on ebird is
often a source of confusion for me, I'm not that frequent a submitter..

Happy birding to you all,

Brian T.
St. Paul MN

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