Well, this is going to be a strange year.

Between Big Stone Lake, the Whetstone River, Minnesota River Headwaters,
Marsh Lake, and down to Lac qui Parle State Park (Watson dam), I observed
the following duckish species over the weekend:

Canada Goose, Greater White-fronted Goose, Snow Goose, Mallard, Gadwall,
Redhead, Canvasback*, Ruddy Duck, Lesser Scaup, Greater Scaup, Ring-necked
Duck, Common Merganser**, Red-Breasted Merganser,*** Hooded Merganser,
Common Goldeneye, Northern Pintail, Wood Duck.

*Flock of 8 on the Minnesota River, viewed from bridge off county highway
15 due south of Odessa/Refuge HQ.

**Large concentration (roughly 30) actively diving/feeding far out in the
NE reservoir, viewed from berm road (scope) off Hwy 75 along the dam.

***At least 3 male RB Mergansers visible through scope alongside the
aforementioned Common Mergansers.

1 lone, croaking Sandhill Crane flew over Ortonville Sunday morning around
10:00 AM, too high for me to see.

Ring-billed Gulls, Northern Harriers, Western Meadowlarks, and Killdeers
have also just recently appeared.


There is minimal shorebird habitat in the area.

There wasn't enough snow cover to leave pools of standing water in tilled
fields. Pothole wetlands are not showing much shoreline. Salt Lake, for
instance, will only have a few feet of mudflats, best viewed from the SW

The Minnesota River between Ortonville and Marsh Lake is pretty low right
now. Some of the most easily-viewed mudflats will be along river banks this
year. There should be some decent river channel viewing at several points
within Big Stone NWR, and also around Marsh Lake and the Lac qui Parle
State Park dam.

Cory Lake, at Hamlin WMA in southern Lac qui Parle County, may be one of
the more productive sites for spring shorebird viewing. (It can be
challenging there in the summer due to shoreline vegetation). The lake is
undergoing a drawdown and could pool up with some temporary water if we get
some precipitation in the next 2 months. It may end up being one of our few
expansive mudflats this year.

The forecast is calling for warm temps and south winds again by the
weekend, so I'd expect another big wave of movement.

Jason Frank

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