I would seriously recommend you go to National Camera Exchange. Ask them.
They will show you what they have in your price range. You will be able to
try them out. I was just there and the service I received was so excellent.
It was worth the drive to the cities.

“The world has changed. I see it in the water. I feel it in the Earth.
I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost,
For none now live who remember it.”― J.R.R. TolkienRev. Debra Jene Collum

124 Winona Street SE
Chatfield United Methodist Church
Chatfield MN 55923

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 1:20 PM Miller Johnson via Mnbird <
mnb...@lists.mnbird.net> wrote:

> Dear birders,
> I'm doing a bus tour in Italy next month that will not be for birding, but
> I will have some free time most days. I normally carry my Swarovski 8.5x42
> bins when I travel, but I think they'll just be too heavy for the amount of
> use I expect to get out of them on this trip.
> Do you have recommendations for smaller and lighter-weighted binoculars
> for travel? I use my "big" binoculars most days but, as I age, I'll
> probably have more use for a lighter pair long-term anyway. Budget is in
> the $1000 range, but willing to go up if it'll make a big difference.
> Thanks for any guidance you can provide. Emailing me directly will help
> keep the clutter off these list-serves, especially as we're going to be
> getting a lot of traffic as spring seems to have sprung!
> Molly Jo Miller
> Dakota Co
> _______________________________________________
> Mnbird mailing list
> mnb...@lists.mnbird.net
> http://mail.lists.mnbird.net/mailman/listinfo/mnbird_lists.mnbird.net

General information and guidelines for posting: 
Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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