
I present you with another excellent field trip opportunity.  There is a great 
location in Carver Park Reserve for viewing American Woodcock courtship 
flights, I invite you to join me on the evening of either April 2nd or April 
9th.  Participants will have a chance to learn about the American Woodcock and 
its unique courtship ritual, likely experiencing it for themselves.  It is not 
uncommon to see or hear owls during the twilight hour, we have had Short-Eared 
Owl fly by during this event in the past.  Barred and Great Horned are 
residents in the park, Long-Eared and Saw Whet owls are known to overwinter and 
use the park as a migratory stop.

We will meet at 7:45PM each of the two evenings at the Grimm Farm parking lot 
on Grimm Road.  Registration is required and limited to 10 participants.

Link to the April 2nd event:

Link to the April 9th event:

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the Spring season!

All the best,

Trey Weaver
MOU Field Trip Coordinator

General information and guidelines for posting:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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