Yesterday, we had our first actual outside birding day this spring for my
3rd grade Youth Mentor class.  This also included debugging all of the
Merlin apps on iPads, not a simple task since there are 30 of them (I
previously had to call in technical assistance - thanks to Rich Gotz for
his expertise).  But I digress.

Bird highlights in addition to our 'regulars' were:  1) an enthusiastic
Song Sparrow who was either vigorously defending his territory from
marauding 3rd graders or simply broadcasting his excellent repertoire, 2) a
Kildeer, 3) a small flock of Kinglets, Golden-crowned seen and heard, 4)  a
very noisy Northern Flicker, 5) a Chickadee building a nest in a hole in a
small tree,

Overhead, spotted by the kids:  1)  pair of Bald Eagles circling in their
elegant aerobatics - courting, playing, other interaction? 2) pair of
Turkey Vultures catching  thermals, 3) a single flyover Sandhill Crane,
croaking along, 4) One Sharpie zipping through - kids ambivalent about
birds that eat other birds.

The kids were really into it - they didn't want to go back in.  It was
probably just spring fever - anything outside has to be better than
arithmetic.  But I choose to believe it was the birds..

General information and guidelines for posting:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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