
Brandon Lentz warned Minnesota birders recently about losing count of the 
number of ticks he found on him at Salt Lake in Lac Qui Parle County.  None of 
us are safe from ticks and the diseases they carry, so I want each and every 
one of you to be safe and healthy while engaging in your avian endeavors.  
Members of our own community have been impacted by this, one such person you 
may know is Peter Nichols, who talks openly about his struggle with chronic 
Lyme disease many years after he contracted the disease from a tick bite.

Being that it is almost May (which is Lyme Disease Awareness Month) I wanted to 
warn participants of Salt Lake Weekend to come prepared.  I personally like to 
treat my hiking clothes with permethrin, it seems to do a great job.  Before 
going into the field on a hike, I then also tuck my pants into my socks and 
spray 100% deet on my clothes, especially at the ankles and on my boots.  
Permethrin is the active ingredient in a lot of dog tick mitigation treatments, 
but is toxic to cats, so please be aware of this if you have feline friends at 
home when treating or storing clothes treated with permethrin.  Of course, 
follow the instructions on the bottle for proper application and storage.

There is a whole lot of excellent information at a website called<>, I invite you to peruse the site for 
more information.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.  I will see you out there among the 

Trey Weaver

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During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
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