Good morning,

I trust you're as excited for May as I am.  We have fun and exciting field 
trips on the horizon, the first one we have is in the first weekend of May.   
The trip leader will be Mike Lehrke, who uses a wheelchair to get around, but 
you'll find that this doesn't stop him from enjoying birding to its fullest!  
This will be a great field trip for birders with mobility challenges since the 
trail systems we will be taking are paved and the trip leader has plenty of 
tips to maximize your enjoyment with birds and birding.  However, all are 
welcome, and this will also be a great field trip for birders of any experience 
level, whether you're brand new to birding or are a lister looking to add some 
early May birds to your Wright and Sherburne list.

We will be starting at Otsego County Park in Monticello (Wright County) at 
7:30AM, then we will visit Woodland Trails Regional Park on the North side of 
the river (Sherburne County).  Both trail systems are paved, but may have 
moderate inclines.  As far as species, ducks may be seen on the river, there 
are multiple Bald Eagle nests in trees along the banks, swallows will likely be 
in large numbers hawking bugs over the water and open habitats, and passerines 
including early May warblers will be encountered.

Limit of 10 individuals, registration via Signup Genius event page is required. 
 Please see the following 
<> for 
more information and registration:

More exciting field trips can be found in the May/June edition of the Minnesota 
Birding Newsletter.

Happy birding,

Trey Weaver
MOU Field Trip Coordinator

General information and guidelines for posting:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
distancing, and continue to bird responsibly.

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