Thank you, All MOU contributors for your input! It does my heart good to read 
that some of you do have healthy hummers. I must add to one member’s report 
that the Orioles have disappeared from our neighborhood the past month and a 
half. And the Red Wing Blackbirds are no longer heard at our pond. 😟 We do hear 
cardinals, a wren, robin, Great Horned Owl pair for the first time in 2 years, 
and dozens of crows congregating making a racket almost daily. Weirdly enough, 
our big pond is really full, but not one of the usual Canada Geese have been on 
the water or anywhere near it for weeks.
Also, I've only seen a few small moths flitting around. No butterflies this 
summer. 🥺
Kathryn Rudd, Eagan

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From: Minnesota Birds <MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU> on behalf of M. L. Munn 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 10:39:24 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Hummer #s

I have become addicted to feeding large numbers of hummers & poof, they
just disappeared with the 90 degree temps last week.
I was afraid I poisoned them somehow even tho they clean out the feeders
quickly & I wash/rinse every time they are filled.
I wondered if with the heat the mix should be more dilute? which I am
currently trying
I still have around 10 & caught a glimpse of an apparent mating a couple
days ago

The basswoods are blooming so who knowa
Carlton County

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General information and guidelines for posting:

During the pandemic, the MOU encourages you to stay safe, practice social 
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