Went looking in Douglas County today for winter finches-not much luck with them but I turned up a Male Varied Thrush out in the boonies in NEastern Douglas. The bird was along the road and flew up and over the road as I drove by and lit in a young birch tree. I stopped and it flew a 75 yards into a bunch of White Spruce trees. I drove a hundred yards away and it flew back to the road in the same place that I first saw it. I watched it for 10 minutes or so and tried to get closer and it flew up into a birch again and then into the spruce. It was on Willow road, west of Douglas 68 about 3-400 yards west of fire call #15147. Its a boggy low area with grasses, some cattails, birch, aspen, spruce and lots of buckthorn. John Ellis-St. Paul
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