Upon the advise of a couple of birders that I know I went to Lake Harriet 
looking for Red Breasted Mergansers.  It’s one of my favorite migrants.  I came 
in on the west side and stopped near the north west corner of the lake and 
found two groups of waterfowl with fifty or more birds in each group.   There 
were a number of coots as well as red breasted mergansers (male and female) 
horned grebes (male and female) pied billed grebes and a few scaup probably the 
lesser.   I was happy to get as close as I did to these birds as I stood behind 
tree branches in a kind of a blind.I hoped to see some loons but had no luck.  
Later I went to the Coon Rapids Dam and saw some flickers, osprey, juncos, and 
for Adam Rausch’s benefit no yellow rumped warblers. Here are some photos
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids

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