Bonsoir à tous,

Je fais suivre ce message pour les Mozilliens ayant des accès aux comptes communautaires ou qui apparaissent comme émanant de Mozilla.


-- Pierre alias Mozinet


Hello, Social Champions and other folks who help us run social and publishing channels for Mozilla!

I know many of you have been working with Sierra, Liz and Maura and we appreciate your help.

This is  quick but VERY IMPORTANT note.

Over the next weeks, you may notice our Executive Chairwoman or others at Mozilla speaking out personally on election-related issues.

In the United States non-profit organizations are legally limited in their ability to engage in political campaigns for public office. Mozilla Foundation does not support or oppose any candidate for office, and it is important that Mozilla Foundation communication channels should keep neutral in electoral matters, whether in the U.S. or elsewhere. For clarity and simplicity we will apply this to all official Mozilla communication channels.

Individual members of the Mozilla community — both employees and volunteers — are free to participate in political campaigns and support or oppose particular candidates as private citizens.

It is important for Mozilla Foundation’s health and prosperity that you do not use Mozilla channels to retweet or repost or point people to political content posted elsewhere by Mozilla officials or community members in their personal capacity. We also ask that you make sure not to post partisan electoral commentary in Mozilla channels under your control.

If you have questions, please contact either myself (hit reply to this email), or Maura Tuohy, who is our head of social.
Thanks so much for your help on this really important matter.



Alex Salkever
VP of Marketing Communications

Moz-fr mailing list

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