
1.3.2 isn't in dapper, or atleast it wasn't when I went to install it
on this 32bit x86.

From memory, to compile mozart 1.3.2 for Dapper I added the debian
unstable sources to /etc/apt/sources.list as follows

deb-src http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib

then pinned the sid repository using the following in
/etc/apt/preferences (you may have to create it).

Package: *
Pin: release a=sid
Pin-Priority: -10

Afterwards I did,

$ apt-get build-dep mozart mozart-stdlib mozart-gtk
$ apt-get -t sid source mozart mozart-stdlib mozart-gtk

This is where my memory is hazy.  I think next, run "dpkg-build
-rfakeroot" in each directory.  Then "dpkg --install
the-pkg"/whatever.  All with sudo of course.

This compiled everything ok, but I did not test them much and had no
where to upload the packages.  I can run the build again and upload
them if someone will host them.  No guarantees they're ok. I made no
changes at all to the sources from sid, just grabbed and compiled


Actually, I just realised I made a mistake first time around. I
compiled stdlib and gtk with the old mozart, as I forgot to remove it
and install the new one. I also forgot to tell it not to sign the
builds (I am not an ubuntu package maintainer).    It skipped signing
but I'm not sure it won't contain info linking them to Kevin still.
I've rebuilt them and fixed the build so they're unsigned.   Not sure
if there's anything else need to sanitize it.


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