Gary T. Leavens wrote:
Hi all,

I've been struggling a bit to write an Assert procedure in Oz.
Is there some standard Assert facility that is already implemented?

        Gary T. Leavens
        Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University
        229 Atanasoff Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-1041 USA  phone: +1-515-294-1580

Dear Gary,

I'm not sure exactly what you would like to do.  Here is some
information that might be useful for you.

You can find a Prolog-style assert on page 659 of CTM: this asserts
facts in a Prolog-style database, with first-argument indexing and
allows Prolog-style queries inside the Solve operation.

The Compiler.evalExpression function takes a string and an environment
and compiles and evaluates the string as an Oz expression.  See: For example, {Compiler.evalExpression "X+3" env('X':4) _} returns 7. (The '_' is bound to a zero-argument procedure that will terminate a runaway computation when


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