Ty wrote:

I have seen the posts and the FAQ explaining that JSS doesn't allow you to reinitialize to use different cert and key dbs. I have also read where it's possible just using NSS by calling NSS_Shutdown() then NSS_Init().

I'm writing a Java GUI app that needs to manage multiple dbs, any suggestions on how to handle this with JSS, I would think that if NSS allows it that JSS should also??

This would require *LOTs* of tweaking. There is a feature in the softoken to allow it to open multiple databases at once and present them as separate 'slots'. I tested that feature quite a while ago when I first enabled it, however, there is no easy way to get this to work from your typical NSS application.

Want you need to is load a second version of softoken, and pass it an initialization string for all the various databases you wish to manage. None of this is documented, and very likely has bugs.

Also, if you want to manage new database on the fly, you are currently out of luck;).

The good news is NSS now understands adding new slots, if applications make the correct update calls. With this it would be possible to add an interface to cause the softoken to open new internal database tokens to manage, but you will need to change softoken to make this work.



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