this x.509, pki, etc was outgrowth of the iso x.400/x.50x stuff
... that was, in turn, continuation of the iso osi stuff.

i don't have a lot of references to the x.50x stuff from the 80s. i was 
involved in trying to get hsp (high-speed protocol) standards work
accepted by x3s3.3 (iso chartered us standards group for networking
related stuff). remember that this iso osi stuff was being mandated
by a number of govs. (including us federal) along with mandates 
eliminating tcp/ip and the internet.

now, i've stumbled across some old email from 85 era discussion public
key and digital signature technology ... but can't find any specific on
PKI and x.509. however the x3s3.3 stuff with relationship to iso was
interesting. iso had some mandate that standards work woujldn't be
accepted for stuff that violated the osi model.

unfortunately,  hsp

1) went directly from the level4/transport interface directly to
the LAN/MAC interface ... bypassing the level4/level3 
(transport/network) interface. this violated osi model and so
couldn't be considered for iso standards work

2) support internetworking protocol ... aka the stuff that allowed
the internetworking of different networks. internetworking doesn't
exist in the osi model ... so supporting tcp/ip also violated
osi model and couldn't be considered for iso standards work

3) talked directly to the lan/mac interface. lan/mac definition
sits approx. in the middle of osi level 3 ... and violates the
osi model. so anything that supports lan/mac interface also violate
the osi model ... and therefor can't be considered.

now i had done some work on the original relational/sql database

and in the early 90s were producing the ha/cmp product

which included doing some work on parallel scaleup. minor
meeting reference regarding parallel oracle scaleup

so i think it was at the (92?) acm sigmod database in san jose
... that somebody was trying to explain the x.500/x.509 stuff
that was going on ... as ... a bunch of networking engineers
trying to reinvent 1960s database technology.

a couple years later were were doing some financial consulting
and were asked to work with a small client/server start up in
menlo park on doing payment transactions and something called
a payment gateway that was going to turn into something that is
frequently referred today as e-commerce. who turns up at this
startup responsible for this thing called a commerce server ...
but a couple of the people that were in the above mentioned
meeting looking at parallel scaleup

now, one of the things we had to do as part of this stuff that was
going to be called e-commerce was go around and do audits of some of
these new organizations that were calling themselves certification
authorities ... who would be issuing these things called ssl domain
name cerver certificates. misc. collected postings on ssl domain name
server certificates

now x.500/dap has somewhat evaporated ("1960s database technollogy
being re-invented by network engineers")... being replaced with
something called ldap ... or leight-weight dap. and x.509 ... which
was going reference some amount of x.500 has taken on a life of its
own. however, the original design point for x.509 is still to provide
relying parties with information about the original entity performing
a digital signature ... when the relying party has no other recourse
to information about the originator (aka the first time communication
between complete strangers).

however, it can be claimed that the original target market segment for
first time communication between two strangers, where the
relying-party has no other recourse for information about the other
party (because of no previous contact or unable to directly contact
some certification authority and/or other authoritative agency about
the entity in question) is rapidly disappearing because of the
ubiquitous pervasive creep of the internet into all areas of the

even the no-value market segment ... which some PKIs tried to move
into (aka online resources became readily available for relying
parties to obtain real time information about the stranger they were
interacting with ... there value of the operations couldn't provide
cost justification for doing real-time vetting) is also rapidly
disappear as the cost of online connectivity rapidly declines. as a
result, the market segments where PKIs have some valid justification
are rapidly shrinking.

pieces of past posts in this thread: phishing web sites using self-signed 
certs phishing web sites using self-signed 
certs TTP and KCM

it somewhat seemed that x.509 standards work was moving out of ISO and
into IETF when it started to appear that the various gov. mandates to
eliminate the internet and tcp/ip (and replace them with iso osi,
x.400, x.50x, etc) was not going to be succesful.

the original pk-init draft for kerberos

i.e. allowing public keys to be registered in lieu of passwords and
performing digital signature validation for authentication was
originally straight-foward, simple authentication process ....

the specification was added later for the use of certificates as part
of the digital signature operation ... turning simple,
straight-forward authentication operation into a heavy-weight
identification operation. if it was a pure x.509 identification
implementation, total strangers would be allowed onto every system as
long as they were able to present a valid x.509 identity certificate.

note that even in a pure x.509 identity certificate environment
... the relying party still needs to have obtained and registered in
their trusted public key repository, the public keys for the
certification authorities (otherwise the relying parties would not be
able to validate the certification authorities digital signatures on
the digital certificates ... which is the root operation required for

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