Dear Csaba, Dan and Kevin,

IMHO you will probably find the following link helpful:

it is information about customizing the specifications of the addressbook
LDAP client using the prefs.js file.

With regard to your question, I beleive the netcenter, infospace, and
verisign prefs, are the information for these directory (LDAP) services
which appear in the left pane "Directory" of the addressbook with a default
installation. You can either delete them manually from the prefs.js file,
or delete these directories from the addressbook which is updated after
closing the entire application (not just the addressbook) .

To my knowlegde, they are all LDAP directories of one type or another.

If you want to make them have additional types try entering information in
all of the fields in the associated dialog box that pops up when you click
on their properties, or double click them in the addressbook. Then view the
pref.js file. The fact that you do not see any dirType setting next to
them, but that shows up in memory, I assum stems from two related issues.
The first is that this is only a client for directory services right? so
unless the file is local like the address book which has a directory type,
it can be assumed that the directory, if it is on a server is an LDAP
directory. (the most efficient storage of information is when no
information is stored, and its absence actually indicates a value (null)??
) Which leads to the second issue, which I think is that at least in
Netscape there are many "default" settings that can be changed in the
pref.js file if a new setting is specified. BUT they do not need to be
specified because they are "obviously" default. (you must love
self-documenting code) therefore my thought is that you should NOT
introduce a new directory type.

Hope this proves helpful and answered your question.

Best regards,


   David Durkee, Chief Information Officer,  e-point S.A.
           16 Filona,  02-654 Warsaw  (Poland)
     tel:+48 502 323 413

Csaba Borbola wrote:

> Dan,
> I would like to know, what are the following entries in the prefs.js
> files doing among the ldap2.servers settings:
> netcenter
> infospace
> verisign
> They are always there and even the dirType settings is not stored in the
> preferences file, they have LDAPDirectory dirType, when they are in the
> memory. Why?
> I just would like to know, because I am going to use that dirType for
> the LDAP directory servers or should I introduce a new dirType for my
> LDAP directory entries?
> Thanks!
> Csaba

"Kevin L. Burns" wrote:

> I'm pretty sure you're right Dan.  If I remember correctly these were
> tie-ins to other directories in the address book.  That way if you
> decided you wanted to use the "Netcenter Member Directory" as part of
> your address book it was right there for you (why would anyone do this?
> I have no idea).
> Dan Mosedale wrote:
> > I suspect that these entries are generated by old crufty code hanging
> > around from 4.x days.  It's probably completely unused at the moment.
> > I've added .mail-news to this posting in the hopes that someone there
> > might remember it's origin....
> >
> > Dan

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