[added .mail-news to the Newsgroup line]

> From our organization's point of view having a secondary ldap server to
> turn to for address completion or address book display is highly
> desirable in two cases:
> (1) Failure of the first server
> (2) An optional additional search even if the first server is alive and well.
> DNS changes don't meet our particular needs well for the first case. We
> we make extensive use of the failover ability in Netscape 4.75.

OK, can you file an RFE in bugzilla on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and cc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] for this?  Not sure if this
will make 0.9 or not; I suspect probably not.  But it sounds like a
reasonable feature.

> The second option is not currently available though we have been
> thinking about trying to achieve it through referrals.  In this regard
> we expect referrals to become an increasingly important source for
> address completion-- in our state, Wisconsin, both the University of
> Wisconsin and the state government will be implementing public ldap
> servers in the not too distant future.

Yes, I believe the structure that we've proposed should handle
multiple searches without have to resort to referrals.  Multiple
searches may or may not make it into 0.9 however.

> It also is a desirable feature to us to have the ability to customize
> the attributes displayed in the addressbook.

This is definitely further in the future than 0.9 (unless someone else
contributes code to do it sooner); but we do plan to implement this

> Mind you, I am pleased to get anything into Mozilla, and thank those of
> you doing the work.  But I thought I ought to say what would be
> desirable to us.

Thanks; that's useful input.


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