>>      Attached is the Mozilla card to LDAP attribute
>>      mapping that is currenly used. This is based on
>>      the LDIF conversion code.
>>      At some point it might be advantageous to have
>>      a mapping table in the preferences, or changes to
>>      the default. I presume this would be required by
>>      some enterprise clients?
>Yeah, I would think so.  We could either have preferences override
>individual values like 4.5 (see
>for details) or just have a single preference that overrides the file
>the table is read from.  The former might be preferable, since it
>would probably play more nicely with preferences locking stuff.  I've
>CCed the prefs newsgroup in case any of the experts in that area have
>comments on this.  Conceivably both options could be used together.

        I like the idea of relating ldap attributes to
        ldap attributes and fixing the relationship between
        Mozilla card properties and ldap attributes.

>> /*
>>      Table defining the relationship between
>>      mozilla card properties and corresponding
>>      ldap properties.
>>      Multiple entries for a mozilla property define
>>      there is a many to one relationship between
>>      ldap properties and the mozilla counterpart.
>>      There is a one to one relationship between
>>      a mozilla property and the ldap counterpart.
>>      If there are multiple entries for a mozilla
>>      property the first takes precedence.
>What if there are multiple entries for an LDAP property?  I don't
>_think_ LDAP guarantees that they will be returned in a predictable
>order, though I could be wrong.
        Currently there is no provision for managing multiple
        entries, the first one wins. I was not sure how to
        deal multiple entries...

>>      This ensures that
>>              1) Generality is maintained when mapping from
>>                 ldap properties to mozilla.
>>              2) Consistent round tripping when editing 
>>                 mozilla properties which are stored on
>>                 an ldap server
>> */
>It would be cool to have comments in the table describing the origin
>(ie objectClass) where each of those attributes come from.  I suspect
>most of them are from inetOrgPerson, but there's definitely a few that 

        Yep, most are inetOrg or from the super classes.
        I will update.


| ? + ? = To question
   Paul Sandoz

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