The 5.x version of the LDAP C SDK is currently not being built with nmake nor
the win makefiles.  The win makefiles are leftover from the 4.x version and are
not currently being used.  As soon as the client moves to the 5.x version of the
C SDK they have promised to fix up the files.


Austin Spreadbury wrote:

> Hi everyone, this is a question from a Mozilla newbie.
> I used CVS to extract the source for the Netscape LDAP C SDK (v5) - i.e.,
> the module DirectorySDKSourceC.  I then tried to build it by running NMAKE
> (Visual Studio 6 version) on what looks like the correct makefile,
> MAKEFILE.WIN, and it stops pretty much immediately telling me it can't find
> <root>\mozilla\config\makedep.  I don't even have a 'config' directory.  Can
> anyone point me to what I am missing?
> Many thanks,
> Austin Spreadbury.

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