[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fozia Zaidi) writes:
> Hi,
> I downloaded the C LDAP SDK and am looking at trying to build this for
> Linux.
> According to the instructions on the mozilla website, I need to  use a
> configure first and then the full make.

What page are you looking at on the Mozilla website?
> However my ftp package does not have any configure file in the mozilla
> directory.
> I've attempted to force a build by make -f directory/Linux.mk from the
> mozilla directory. However I am getting numerous errors.
> Would appreciate someone helping me find the missing link to getting
> the build properly started.
> The package I downloaded from the Netscape site
> is:ldapsdk_12311998.tar
> The timestamp on this is from Dec 1998.
> I'm assuming that this is the latest version of the LDAP C SDK
> available?

No, unfortunately this is really ancient, and has build issues, as
you've noticed.  Right now the only way to get the most current bits
is to check them out from cvs.  See
<http://www.mozilla.org/directory/csdk.html>.  Note that the web page
documentation is currently in need of an update, and the command to
check out should really be:

cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot \
    co DirectorySDKSourceC

Apologies for the state of this; we're working on getting it cleaned up.


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