GENERATOR OF MONEY IN CASH FASTER THAN YOU HAVE HAD ACCESS SOMETIMES. IF YOU PLEASE HAVE MUCH MONEY ENVIASELO To WHICH REALLY IT NEEDS. PLEASE YOU I REPEAT IT, YOU THE AGRADECERA. "it was exploring the NEWSGROUP when I saw an article that said of Gift. Pense... "IN THE INTERNET. Good, I have to do that type of scheme can present/display in the Internet ". This article described the way to send BY MAIL a SINGLE TICKET OF USS 1,00 To SEVEN PEOPLE and TO GAIN USS 50.000.00 IN CASH IN 4 WEEKS. EXPERIENCE In a moment I will send mine to you and you will see that if takings this opportunity, also you will be able to tell to the world a fantastic experience. The experience related by Lydia Maliber (Holland), lawyer and investigator, therefore told its experience me, it helped me economically and it invited to me to that it did just like she stops to initiate a new life: "Good, the more I thought about ésto the more peculiar put to me, why, by the way in which ésto worked and BECAUSE SINGLE IT WAS GOING TO COST USS to ME 7,00 (and SEVEN STAMPS), and THAT ERA EVERYTHING WHAT TAPEWORM THAT TO PAY... And NOTHING MAS. O.K., USS 50.000.00 in cash could be a high point to reach, but it was possible. I imagined that perhaps it could have a reach of $1.000.00 less but or so I did it. As they said the instructions in the article, I sent by mail a bill of a dollar to each one of the seven people in the list that contained I articulate. I included a small note that PLEASE said "to INCLUYAME IN ITS LIST" along with the dollar. Soon I remade the list in where I removed to first, I above moved a position to each one of the rest and included my name at the end of her. This was the form to obtain that the money began to arrive to me. Soon I took this list that finished modifying and IT LAUGH it PUBLISHES IN ALL the LOCAL NEWSGROUP and BBS THAT CONOCIA and hopes that the money began to arrive to me, prepared to receive between $1,000 and $1,500 in cash. But what pleasant surprise when all those you exceed began to arrive to me. I knew immediately what they were when I saw that the return directions provenian of all parts of the world, most of the United States, Canada and Australia. In my first week I did about 20,00 to 30,00 dollars. For the end of the second week it had fact a total of more of 1000.00 USS!!!!! In the third week I received more from USS 10.000,00 and still it continued arriving more. This is my fourth week and I already received a total of USS 23.343.00. EXCITING!!!!!!FUE! !!!No could believe it " You must follow it and re-publish it where it is possible to you, the more it is published and the more people see it, will be the more possibilities for all of making the more money, this will determine how much she will arrive to you by mail. It is really easy to pass it... Post to Followup Let us review the reasons of so that to do it: the only expenses are 7 stamps, 7 you exceed and 7 dollars (a bill of a dollar for each one in the list), soon re-to publish the article with your name including in all the NEWSGROUP or BBS that are happened to you (this are free) and soon to hope by you exceed them that they arrive to you. All we have 7 dollars to spend in a easy investment and that it does not surround no type of effort with a SPECTACULAR one COMPENSATES OF BETWEEN USS 15.000.00 and single USS 120.000.00 in 3 to 5 weeks. So prívate to play loteria, or today better, eats in house instead of going outside and invests those 7 dollars in ésto that can darte one pleasing surprise. There is no form to lose! As ésto works exactly. Carefully I provide the most detailed and simple instructions of how you are going to obtain that easy money arrives to you. Prepárate to obtain it, this one is the form... 1. - Raimundo Vives Alberdi 1311 Quillota - V CHILE Region 2. - Emilce C. Herrera Caperucita Passage 1127 (CP 1424) Autonoma City of Buenos Aires Republica Argentina 3. - Carlos Garcia Av. Between Rios 1680-1-10 (C113ÁAR) - City Autonoma de Bs.As. Argentina 4. - Daniela de Aranda R. Gauna (275 CP 4300) the Band - Sgo. of the Matting Republica Argentina 5. - Edy Cuellar M. Calle Garcilazo 210 of. 210-A Cusco - Peru 6. - TAKINGS ALEX 918 INT.9 PRAY FERNANDEZ MOON PIZARRO - VICTORY LIMA-PERU 7. - RICARDO GONZALEZ (Post-office box 85231) - BOGOTA COLOMBIA O.K. reads this carefully. It is not that it is necessary, but it is a good idea to print it like reference in case you have doubts. INSTRUCTIONS 1. In a pagina in target the following thing writes: "PLEASE IT INCLUDES MY NAME IN HIS LIST" ("PLASE ADD MY NAME TO YOUR LIST"). This automatically generates a service and like so, it makes LEGAL COMPLETELY. From now on these not sending a DOLAR to some person without any reason, these to him paying a DOLAR by a legitimate service. Asegurate to include your name and direction. I assure to you, again, that this is completely legal. Like a pretty detail pon also in which position each name appeared when you commanded your to dolar: ("You were in position 3") or ("You were in slot 3") like making it but complete. That one is, to make money and to pass it well at the same time. 2: Now it doubles this page written around the ticket of a DOLAR (you do not send to checks nor another type of payment, SINGLE TICKETS OF an AMERICAN DOLAR), ponlo everything within on and mandalo to each one of the 7 listed people. The idea to double the paper around the ticket is for assuring that it is going to arrive at destiny and THIS IS IMPORTANT. (Of another way the people who work in the mail could detect that she is money and to remain with the thousands of you exceed that they are arriving!!!). For more security, she also uses a sheet of paper coal to surround the ticket, sera but that way much dificil to see what goes inside. 3: Listening with care, this is the form of as you are going to receive money by mail. It watches the list of the seven people, flock the first name and adds yours at the end of her, asi that the one that was I number 2 happens to be I number 1, the one that was 3 happens to be 2, the one that was 4 happens to be 3, the one that was 5 happens to be 4 etc. and you are now I number seven. It includes your name, direction, postal code and country. 4: Now it publishes this I articulate in at least 200 "newsgroup" (they exist but of 24.000 groups). You only need 200, but the more amount puts, the more money will arrive to you, if you know BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) local with areas messages, etc., in where it is happened to you (remembers that it is LEGAL).Cuando you publish the description of this I articulate, tries to give a name him that "catches", like: "IT NEEDS MONEY FAST, READ THIS I ARTICULATE "," NEEDS MONEY TO PAY TO HIS DEBTS???", etc. And the more one publishes the more possibilities of receiving but money you are going to have, in addition it give the opportunity them to other people who are interested in making money. !!!HAGAMOS the COMMITMENT OF BEING HONEST and TO FULFILL the LEGAL thing, putting a 120 PERCENT OF US SO THAT THIS SYSTEM WORKS. You will be surprised of the benefits, créeme. 5: If you have problems to simply publish it in your local BBS pregúntale to the Sysop (Operator of the System) like publishing in that NEWSGROUP, the same in the case of publishing it in the Internet. If he tried to explain it in this I articulate serious for problems, by are too many programs different and when detailing one or two of them, he could create problems to him to which he has another different one. The description of I articulate when is published would have to say it something as well as: "IT LOWERS EAST FILE And IT READS AS IT CAN RECEIVE MONEY BY MAIL". Here they go to some indications of how to introduce itself in the "newsgroup": LIKE HANDLING THE "NEWSGROUP" No.1 You do not need to write up all this letter again to do the hers own one. In the beginning he puts his cursor of this letter, only does click, he leaves it pressed and bájelo until the end of the letter and lárguelo. All the letter will have to be "shaded". Then it above does click in "Edit"(Editar) of his screen, selects "Copy"(Copiar here). This will cause that all the letter is in the memory of its computer. No.2 Abra a new page in target and takes the cursor to the beginning. Press "Edit" and of the menu it selects "Paste"(Pegar). Now it will have this letter in "notepad" and will be able to add his name and direction in the place #6 being followed the instructions of above. No.3 Grabe this letter in its new file of notepad like txt file.(Archivo of Text). And whenever it wants to change something will be able to do it. FOR THAT THEY HANDLE NETSCAPE No.4 Within the Netscape program, goes to "Communicator" and selects "Group of the news", soon it goes to "File" and to select "To subscribe". In seconds a list of all the "Newsgroup" of its "server" will appear. Do click in any newsgroup. Of this newsgroup it does click underneath "TO NEWS", which deberia to be above, in the left end of the page of newsgroup. This will take to the box of messages. East No.5 Llene space. This it will be the title that will see all when they cross by the list of a group in individual. No.6 Marque the complete content of the file and copies using the same previous technique. Return to Newsgroup "TO NEWS" and You are creating and filling with paste this letter within your program or "posting". No.7 Presione "send" that is in the left superior part. And UD. IT HAS FINALIZED WITH HIS PRIMERO!... congratulations! THOSE THAT USE INTERNET EXPLORER STEP No. 4: Go to the Newsgroup and you select "to Post an Article". Or in Classified it selects "to put an Announcement". Or in the Forums of Discussion, etc. STEP No. 5: Copy the article of notepad and peguelo in the place of the text that is going to send or to announce. Use the same previous tecnica. STEP No. 7: Press the button "Post", "To send" or "To put", etc.. HE IS EVERYTHING. Everything what must do is to put in different "Newsgroup" and to fill with paste them, when already has practice, single will take about 30 seconds him by each newsgroup! ** REMEMBERS, WHICHEVER MAS NEWSGROUP OBTAINS, MAS ANSWERS (And MONEY) RECIBIRA! BUT ** MUST ALREADY ENTER AT LEAST 300 THIS!!!.... You will be receiving money worldwide, of places that nor know and in few days. Possibly he will want to rent a post-office box by the amount of you exceed that he will be receiving. ** ASEGURESE OF WHICH ALL CORRECT DIRECTIONS ESTEN ** Now So that to do all this, it only follows this short example: Of 200 envoys, we say that to receipt only 5 answers (lowest example). Then I made USS 5,00 with my name in the position #6 of this letter. Now, each one of the 5 people who already sent USS to me 1,00 also makes a minimum of 200 newsgroup, each one with my name in #5 of the list and 5 people to each one of the 5 original ones only respond, this makes USS 25,00 more than I receive, now these 25 people put a minimum of 200 Newsgroup with my name in #4 and answer of each one is only received 5. It would be making other USS 125,00 additional. Now this 125 people put their minimum of 200 groups with my name in #3 and they only receive 5 answers each one, I I receive an additional one of USS 625,00. OK, here this the amused part more, each one of these 625 people put their letters in other 200 groups with my name in #2 and each one receives only 5 answers, this causes that I receive USS 3.125,00. These 3.125 people will send this message to a minimum of 200 Newsgroup with my name in #1 and if single 5 people respond of the 200 groups, I will be receiving USS 15.625,00. Of an original investment of USS7.00! but stamps. FABULOUS! And as I said before, that single 5 people respond very little, the real average would be 20 or 30 people. Asi that we put a number greater to calculate. If single 15 people respond, this does: In #6---------USS 15,00 In #5---------USS 225,00 In #4---------USS 3.375,00 In #3---------USS 50.625,00 In #2---------USS 759.375,00 In #1---------USS 11.390.625,00 Yes, more than ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS. Once its name no longer is in the list, it removes I complete announcement of the Newsgroup and sends other USS 7,00 to the names in that list, putting his name in #7 and to repeat all the process. And to begin to put them in the Newsgroup again. What must remember is that thousands of people but, anywhere in the world, connect to the Internet every day and will read these articles every day as YOU and I DO IT. So I create nobody would have problems in investing to 7 USS 00 and seeing if really this works. Some people get to think... "and if nobody decides to answer to me" That! Which is the probability that this I happened when there are thousands and thousands of people (like us) who look for a way to have financial independence and to pay to their debts!!!., and they are arranged to treat, because "there is no worse fight than the one than one does not become". Esteem that exists of the 20.000 to 50,000 new users in Internet ALL DAYS! ******* ANOTHER SYSTEM TO COMMUNICATE IS OBTAINING EMAIL OF PARTICULAR PEOPLE, MUST BE AT LEAST 300 DIRECTIONS, BUT THIS HAS AN EFFECTIVENESS OF MINIMO 5% TO 15%. IF SINGLE THEY ALREADY LOOK FOR PEOPLE WHO SPEAK IN SPANISH, THEY GO To A E-MAILS SUPPLIER And PRINT A LATIN LAST NAME And! Remember to do this in CORRECT, CLEAN form and HONESTLY and will work with complete certainty. It only must be honest. Asegúrese to print this article NOW, tries to maintain the list of all those that send money to them and always it fíjese in the Newsgroup and it sees if all are participating cleanly. Remember: HONESTY IS THE BEST METODO.. You do not need to make tricks with the basic idea make money in this! BLESSINGS FOR ALL and luck, we play fair and to take advantage of this beautiful opportunity to make tons of money in Internet ** By the way, if You defraud to the people putting messages with your name and not envia no money to the others in that list, You will receive NOTHING almost. "the FRUITS OF the HONESTY TAKE SHELTER IN VERY Just a short time and ALWAYS LAST FOR" - Chinese Proverb I have talked with people who met who did that and got to receive USS 15,00 in 7 weeks! Some decided to prove again, doing it correctly, and in 4 to 5 weeks they received more than $10.000. This is the cleanest and honest way to share fortune that I never have seen, without costing to us in happening much but of 7 days of the moment that sees east article. Also it can obtain to list of email for extra dollars. Let us follow all the rules of the business! Remember to mention this extra gains in its declarations of taxes. 6. And this it is the step that but I like. SIMPLY SIÉNTATE And ENJOYS, BECAUSE The CASH COMES IN WAY. Delay to see just a little bit of money during the second week, but as of the third week STORM OF YOU EXCEED IN YOUR MAIL. Everything what you must do is to receive it and deals with not shouting very hard when DES tells you that this time you obtained it! 7. It is time to pay what you had and to buy something special for tí or that special person in your life, a gift who never you forgot. It enjoys the life!
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