BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Set your own schedule. Choose the size of your paycheck. Help 
yourself and others. JOIN today and revive your joy for living-with YOUNG LIVING. We 
have QUALITY PRODUCTS you can trust and exceptional training that PRODUCES RESULTS.

Independent Distributor
As an Independent Distributor, you can
Take advantage of all purchase discounts. 
Participate in company events. 
Qualify for a car, boat or house. 


Young Living was founded in 1993 by D. Gary Young, N.D., and it has become one of the 
fastest-growing companies in the network marketing industry. 
Young Living's uniqueness means there is virtually no competition in the industry. No 
other company has the totally organic orientation or the proprietary distillation 
technology that Young Living has. And Young Living is the first company to combine 
essential oils with dietary supplements. 
Young Living is poised for significant growth internationally and currently sells in 
such foreign markets as Australia, Canada, and Japan. 
Young Living is at the forefront of a huge wave of fitness, longevity, and health. 

Bringing longevity and prosperity into perfect harmony through life-enhancing products 
of unrivaled quality and a business opportunity based on sharing.

Ideally, all businesses have three basic phases of development: getting started, 
growing and expanding, and leading a vibrant organization toward increased success. 
Now Young Living has developed a compensation plan that makes it possible for all its 
Members, regardless of the phase their individual businesses are in, to benefit and 

YL Compensation Plan Benefits:

No membership fees 
No inventory requirements 
Payouts are structured to maximize income at every level and facilitate the growth and 
stability of everyone's organization, regardless of rank 
New distributors are quickly rewarded for their efforts 
Distributors with larger organizations have far-reaching access to huge revenue 
8 Layers That Add Up For You:

visit my website today to find out more
and click on Your Own Young Living Biz Tab 

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