I just went to the site and it requires you to agree to the
"Redistribution Or Rental Not Permitted." There is no
mention of GPL or GNU. I have seen references to GPL in the
source for LDAP c-SDK that you indicate is included in NDS.
I am wondering if anything developed with the c-SDK included
with NDS will have any restrictions or restrictions related
to the distribution and use of the DLLs used by the applications
made with the SDK.

If the applications and libs needed, can be redistributed freely,
then this might work well.

- Paul

Rich Megginson wrote:
Grab the Netscape Directory Server from enterprise.netscape.com. Although the server itself is a trial version only, it includes the full binary c sdk that you can extract and use for your own project. The latest version is 6.2.1, and 7.0 will be out soon. The SDK included with NDS 7.0 will support SASL/GSSAPI.

Paul Palacios wrote:

Binary distributions of the Mozilla LDAP SDK? Where might they be if they exist. If they do not, is there a reason the last stable version is not made available for different platforms?

Was just wondering. I'm already in the midst of a large development project, and it looks like I might have to download all the stuff needed to build the LDAP SDK for windows, and then continue on the initial project. Can't use MS-LDAP libs since I need LDAP to work with MIT's Kerberos-for-Windows at the client.

Thanks in advance!

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