Mac 4 perl wrote:

I use perldap with Activestate Perl and I want to read multivalue
(usercertificate;binary for X509 certificates). If I read the value like
I get only one value error why?

What happens if you do @ary = $entry->getValues('usercertificate;binary');

Does @ary have more than one element? Are you sure the entry in question has a multi-valued usercertificate;binary?

In addition I don't want to write it to a file and analyse the certificate directly in perl. I'm looking for a module which provide at least key usage (purpose) and the serial and is available for activestate perl. How does it work if I want to delete only one field of a multi value field (usercertificate;binary) (my last newbie question)

You should be able to do an LDAP modify delete operation and specify the value that you want to delete.

thanks in advance Mac

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