I just installed Mozilla 1.6 using .../installation.html as a guide.
I'm left with an uncertain feeling - did I faithfully follow directions?
I'm posting this to test the validity of my choice.
Has any one else had similar experience?

My platform is Linux, and there is a boxed note saying:
"...uninstall previous versions of Mozilla before installing..."
The heading "Uninstillation" further down the page lists remonal of
/usr/local/mozilla and ~/.mozilla.

The uninstall instructions make sense to me for complete removal but not
for removal prior to re-installation.

The choice I made in moving from ver 1.5 to 1.6 was to remove only
I left ~/.mozilla untouched in all users home directories.
Yet I suspect there may be reason to selectively remove portions of
material somewhere under ~/.mozilla.

So far after an hour or two all seems well, but I'm looking for the
other shoe to fall...
I'm unwilling to submit this as a bug in documentaion - I may have
violated a design rule I can't find in other documents.

What is needed here?
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