Tsahi Asher wrote:

the file cert_dialog_help.xhtml in mozilla's online help, in the section describing the USer Identification Request dialog, has this sentence at the end of the section:

"To help you decide, the following details of the selected certificate are displayed:

* Issued to: Lists information about the person identified by the certificate (for example, your name and email address) and the certificate's serial number and validity dates.
* Issued by: Summarizes information about the CA that issued the certificate, such as its name, location, and state."

my question is, what exactly is the meaning of "state" here? to put it in other words, what would be a legal value for "state", California or Valid?

i need this for the mozilla l10n i'm doing.


It sounds to me like it would mean whether or not the certificate has expired, making it invalid. I could be wrong, but that is what it sounds like it means to me. I don't think it is necessary to change the phrasing since you can only have one state for a certificate as far as I know.


R.J. Keller
mozilla.org Help Systems Module Owner


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