Like Brendan, I need a checkin, still!

Brendan, generally, there is no review for doc checkins. 
Someone with checkin access checks it in.  

Matthew Elvey <<firstname>@<lastname>.com> wrote in

> Hi. I've submitted a doctor-generated patch to doc bug 226926
> Can someone review this?
> Someone with checking privileges, please decide if we should leave
> or remove the Habeas stuff and I'll update the patch or DIY and we
> can check something in.
> (Should I apply for CVS?  Prolly not-I have had full Bugzilla
> rights for ages, but I'm not likely to have many patches to check
> in.) 


Yeah, it really bugs me how people are jealous of Microsoft's 
success and try to take them down with lawsuits. It's just like 
how the government was jealous of John Gotti's success so they 
put him in jail because of some silly "laws" that he broke.

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