Thanks--good questions from both of you.

> I guess I should also ask... what Gecko version is this?

Ah! yes. Important point: we're working cross-platform with Macs and 
Windows, so we are using 1.3.1

> may be it's just because you URL has the wrong form. Have you tried 
> specifying the file URL with three slashes ?

Yes, we have tried ///. When we first found the problem we were using ///. 
Switching between // and /// has no effect on this problem.

> It really shouldn't....

Thanks! Glad to know I'm not crazy to wonder about this.

> Do you have a debug build on hand?

Yes. I am using a debug build.

> Are there any useful asserts or warnings?


> Does the JS console show anything about security errors or something?

Er... We have not made any provision in our embedding to include the 
JavaScript console--no " tasks->tools->JavaScript Console" menu, for 
example. Thanks for the suggestion. Perhaps I can set up something to poll 
the Console Service and log any messages. I'll look into that. 

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