I'm still having a problem with this...let me see if I can explain it better
this time around.

I've got a very skeleton implementation of the Gecko rendering engine in a
C++ app (no MFC, all Win32).  It implements the WindowCreator, Chrome,
InterfaceRequestor, EmbeddingSiteWindow, WebProgressListener, WeakReference
and SupportsWeakReference interfaces.  I've got it displaying webpages and I
can tell when web pages have loaded, etc...  Very similar to the winEmbed
example (Yes, I know it's depreciated, but I don't like MFC).  I can
navigate to various web pages just fine as well, everything looks to be in
order for that part.  Here is where the problem comes in.  When you first
open say Google and do a search for the first time, it will pop up a
javascript/dialog window automatically (By calling my
nsIWindowCreator::CreateChromeWindow()) that says, "The information you have
entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be
read by a third party.Are you sure you want to continue sending this
information?" and below that is a check box that says "Alert me whenever I
submit information that's not encrypted".  Then below that are two buttons
"Continue" and "Cancel".  If I click on either one of them, I get this error
message in my debug window

* Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error:  *
[Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0xc1f30001
IZED) [nsIDOMJSWindow.setTimeout]"  nsresult: "0xc1f30001
ZED)"  location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/bindings/dialog.xml ::
ButtonCommand :: line 246"  data: no]

The only way to close out that popup window is to click the X in the upper
right-hand corner.
So, it appears that somewhere the link between the controls on that
javascript popup window/dialog and my application have been lost.  I'm
thinking maybe somewhere in the WindowCreator Implementation in the
CreateChromeWindow() function? I've been working on this for a few days now
and am starting to get just a bit...uh...frustrated with this.  It's the
only thing at the moment holding me back from continuing with my project.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

Niky Williams

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