Niky Williams wrote:
Niky Williams wrote:
Window 2000 using Visual Studio 2003 and C++

Let me see if I can explain this.
I've got a pretty basic skeleton embedded browser and it seems to work okay browsing to various pages. I next tried to install the Macromedia Flash plugin. When I click on the file to download, the box that asks if I want to "open it with" or "Save it to disk" pops up. I tell it to save it to disk. Then the default download manager comes up and it shows the file "install_flash_player.exe" has successfully downloaded. I then click on "Launch File" and it gives me the warning about executable files...I click the "Don't ask me again." and then click the "OK" button. Nothing happens after that. I checked the about:plugins page and it does not show it installed. Another thing I noticed is that if I install it via the XPI package (, it tells me a web site is wanting to install "flashplayer-win.xpi". I click install on the default chrome that comes up and again, nothing happens. If I open up firefox and install the XPI package through that, it installs and I can use the flash plug-in in my embedded app. So, what am I missing here? I'm guessing it has something to do with nsIWebBrowserChrome::DestroyBrowserWindow () as that is what is called when you click the buttons on the popup modal windows. In the DestoryBrowserWindow () function I Destroy () the nsIBaseWindow of the nsIWebBrowser then I DestroyWindow () on my HWND. Pretty straight forward.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Niky Williams

Just came across something else...
Tried to install a different plug-in from The popup for if I wanted to "install or cancel" came up...then RIGHT after it without clicking ANYTHING, another popup came up saying "Installation stopped by user. Aborting setup.". Soooo...why does it think I'm aborting the install? It works like it should in FireFox. Some return value in one of my functions maybe? I'm not sure where to look from here, any and all help will be greatly appreciated!

Niky Williams

Okay, one more thing to add to this. When I'm at and I am tring to search for something, it brings up the "The information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted..." box. If I click "Continue", the box closes out but my browser does NOT go it seems that my Gecko class is not getting the "go ahead" event from clicking the "Continue" button on the modal pop up warning box. The link between the two seems to be, how to fix?

Niky Williams
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