"Sebastian Späth" wrote:
> The German Newsticker of heise.de reports that NS6 Netbusiness edition
> is out, it has a somewhat newer Gecko engine (20001120) than the
> original Gecko engine (20001108). Does this release already count in the
> new-version-stake? :-)

I think it's a flaw in the Netscape/Mozilla build procedures and the vague
definition of the Gecko "pulldate". Any type of build currently triggers a
new date stamp, even if a new Gecko has not been pulled. In this case the
new "build" simply packaged the altered/branded chrome. 

In addition the userAgent spec doesn't specify what the Gecko date means in
the face of branches. The 11/20 date is probably accurate enough with
respect to the Netscape branch given the lack of checkins, but both Netscape
versions are considerably different from an equivalent Mozilla trunk build
with those Gecko pulldates.

(I have not checked with bonsai.mozilla.org to verify that there were no
checkins on the branch between 11/08 and 11/20, but I'm reasonably certain.
Since the Gecko part of Netscape 6 is wholly open source anyone can verify
\the difference between the 1108 and 1120 builds using Bonsai.)

-Dan Veditz

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