Ive run into a problem with Netscape 6... the browser doesnt seem to want to
render colors correctly on our website.  Colors bleed into outside tablesets
or dont show up at all.  The problem only appears when the web site is first
loaded... flipping to another window then back to Netscape strangely solves
the problem.  Is this a known bug?  If so has it been corrected in the
latest Mozilla build?  As an aside, anytime I press the back button when on
our side the problem reappears (even if the page rendered properly to begin

the site is http://www.xo.com

Im getting a bit desparate so sorry about the repost.. can anyone tell me
how to solve this problem?
The misrendering doesnt have anything to do with misloading gifs or our
servers pushing corrupted files... the colors that are out of wack are
bgcolors embedded in tablesets and our CSS file... this is almost certainly
a bug...


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