At 13:20 15/12/2000 +0100, Peter Lairo wrote:
>Braden McDaniel wrote:
><delenda est...>

> > You want a placebo and Conrad thinks it's a bad idea. I agree with him.
> > If someone does create a patch that does as you describe, I hope
> > has the sense to reject it, regardless of how many naive
> > votes you manage to drum up.
> >
> > Braden
>A placebo that prevents 99% of unintentional or novice snooping is not a
>placebo at all - it is a useful feature.
>I would like to know what benefit you have by obstructing this "optional"
>feature. Nobody is forced to use it, and those that would choose to use it
>could be presented with a warning message before activating the feature.
>Why are you so adament about hindering those that want this feature?

Personally I think its a less than optimal solution.  Permission management 
of files belongs in the underlying operating system and providing a 
password which doesn't actually do anything  is worse than not providing 
one at all.


>Peter Lairo

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