"greg robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am having a problem with the encoding in netscape.

No, you have mis-analyzed the problem.

>When I pass along a URL
>line with a blank space in it i.e. "www.test.com?theblank=blank space",

"Pass" in which sense? Anyway, it simply isn't a well-formed URL, i.e.
it does not comply with the URL syntax as defined (in RFC 2396). And I
don't mean the http:// part, which _really_ needs to be there if you are
about to put the URL into an HREF value for example. I mean the space

>Netscape errors out. In IE, the line is converted to
>"www.test.com?theblank=blank%20space" and works just fine.

I'm not sure I see what conversion you mean, but in a URL, a space
character must _always_ be encoded as %20, and it is not a browser's job
to do such an operation e.g. for an HREF value. You, or the person or
program that writes an HREF value, needs to do the encoding.

_Only_ when a URL originates from the submission of a form with
method="get" is it a browser's duty to perform the encoding, since for
such a situation, this is part of the defined form handling by browsers.

>Is there a server-side fix for this ?

Fix for what? The problem is a malformed URL. It needs to be fixed where
it occurs.

Followups trimmed.
Yucca (who used to use [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
authored the http://www.hut.fi/u/jkorpela/ site,
both of which were made defunct by HUT (2001-01-17))

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