Right! And what the hell is C.E.T.? I mean, I'll bet a lot of us have 
titles we could use....

Asa Dotzler wrote:

> Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T. wrote:
> <snip>
>> In Mozilla to hide read messages only works if its set to all in
>> messages unread in sort no other combination works.  This even includes
>> build 10:10020208 which is last monday's nightly (or latest)
> There you go again.  Please consider using statements which begin with
> "In my experience ..." or "I have been unable to ..." rather than
> "In Mozilla you can't ..." or "In Mozilla ... it does not work".  I'm not
> disagreeing with you that there are many areas that have functionality 
> which is not as strong as other products but I am bothered that you 
> continue to state your experiences with Mozilla as if they are the rule and
> the experiences of everyone else.  Mozilla is designed and built to be 
> cross platform and so it has many problems that affect everyone.  It also
> has problems which only seem to affect specific platforms or configurations.
> When you state (as if it was fact and equally applicable to everyone) that
> something does not work in Mozilla you are doing a disservice to the effort
> to improve the product by clouding the issues and confusing the boundaries
> of problems. 
> --Asa

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