Thank you, thank you.  Mozilla 0.8 has a way to file new Bookmarks. 
It's not as slick and quick as in NS 4.x, but it's there and it works!
Thanks again, it was something I was really missing. Other than opening
the browser and going somewhere, it's the "first" thing I used - a
surprise I hadn't expected.

And 0.8 seems faster. (Well, after I turned off eDexter and renamed my
Hosts file.)

Glad to see the "place holders" for off-line news synchronization and
reading. That's the final "biggie" I'm anticipating.  As is I'll gladly
commit (and have) my mail to Mozilla (or NS 6.01) now. And when it hits
the nightlies, I'll be trying out off-line news.

I suppose you know, but I'll mention, that the "File" button in Mail
disappears - function seems to be there if you click the place it should
be. (Hope I don't "loose" two buttons and forget which spot belongs to
which.)  :^>

And there's no "Send later," only "Send now," though Files|Send later
seems to work fine.  Again, I imagine you know and it's a listed bug. 
Likewise with the on/off line "socket" on the Mail/News page - Browser
socket works fine.

Still playing and discovering. Maybe I'll even read the Release Notes in
a couple of days.  (discovery is SO much fun.)  :^>  I really like what
I see! Very well done. A hearty congratulations on a fine milestone. 
Mozilla 1.0 is going to be "A Force With Which to be Reckoned."    :^> 
(grammarical me)  

michael (er,..guess that should be "A Force To Be Reckoned With")

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