Phil Sweeney wrote:

> Asa Dotzler wrote:
>> Warren Bell wrote:
>>> I went to download a nightly for win32 and there wasn't any windows
>>> builds there.  Not even a previous nightly build.  Did they move them?
>> the win32 builds had not finished yet and the builds that were there
>> from yesterday were the bookmark destroying bug 70312 so those builds
>> were removed.  Use the dated directories Luke.
> Why isn't there a latest-latest/ dir that holds the most recent build
> like the dated dirs?
> That would be really useful ..
> Phil

latest/ is just a link to latest-trunk/ which should ne the most 
recently finished builds from the trunk (the ones you want).  There is 
one problem complicating the issue and both are being worked on. The 
win32 talkback builds are not getting pushed to the latest-trunk/ 
directory (so they won't show up in latest/ either since it is just a 
link to latest-trunk/).

If you step up a level from the latest/ or latest-trunk/ directories you 
will be in the nightly/ directory.  This directory contains a list of 
dated directories in the form of 2001-02-28-11 where the 2001 is the 
year, the 02 is the month, the 28 is the day and the 11 is the hour that 
the build finished.  This list is conveniently ordered by date so the 
most recent are at the bottom of the list. Find the botom most directory 
with your platform and you are assured of having the most recent build 


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