On the netscape 6/mozilla code, there is code, somewhere, to show
"download complete" on the download status' window. Here's an idea:
right after that, add some code (I bet it could be done in less than 50
lines) to make Netscape 6, SAVE all that info (file name url, saved-to
folder) to an html log file, with the following info:

DATE-Time-Complete_file_url-File_Size-Saved_to_folder-DL speed

2001-03-01 23:49 http://www.cpuidle.de/cpuidle56.zip 1856kb
d:\incoming\utils-win32\            - 2.3 kb/seg
2001-03-02 02:29 ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/releases/0.8/readme.txt 4kb
d:\incoming\mozilla\0.8\ - 3.5 kb/seg

Then, somewhere in Mozilla, and with a few lines of XUL code, there
would be an icon for the "download history".
(I'd like to see it on the lower-right corner). So when you click on it,
it would open a 3/4-screen sized window (a la "Edit bookmarks" window in

communicator) showing the contents of this html "log file" of all
previous downloads.

Why do this?.  I am  (and I guess a lot of people are too) a heavy
downloader, and 90% of the time, I need some file at a later date and
couldn't remember where I placed it, but I _DO_ remember WHEN and where
I got it from. (ie: "that big .zip file from a .de domain, last
week..."). Well, with this "download history" implemented, things would
be MUCH easier for me!.

¿What do you think about my idea? Anyone cares to suggest it for
upcoming Mozilla builds? What is the standard process to do so?
Maybe it could be implemented as a NS6-only feature? (there's some
advantage of using NS6.x over Mozilla daily builds  ;-).

Anyway... if anyone is interested in implementing this idea, hurry up,
because I'm sure there are M$ munchkins regularly monitoring this
newsgroup. I'd hate to see this implemented in M$ IE v99.x and hyped as
the "biggest invention since sliced bread".


Buenos Aires, Argentina

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