I have a computer that is running Win95 using a Pent 1 with a  200
MMX processor.   The motherboard is an Asus with an Intel chipset.
The H-Disk has about 4 GigBytes of space left on it.  RAM is 64 meg.

I installed NetScape 4.7 on it, since Vers 6 turned out to give a
lot of problems.   I previously had Vers 4.6.

I noticed that when I go to Subscribe To News Groups,   the cursor
is now on the left of the default text in the box for typing the
search request.     While it is loading the newsgroups for the
search,   if  I dare to type anything the program will crash out and
lockup the machine.   The only way out is to reboot.

If I leave things alone until all the data is loaded, and there is
no hard disk activity, then it seems to work okay.    Obviously,
when typing something during the loading period is causing something
in the program code to go irratic.

Does anyone here know a solution, or have seen this before?


Thank you,

Jerry Greenberg

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