Phil Sweeney wrote:
> jesus X wrote:
> >
> > > In fact, janitorial work can be a good entry path for aspiring kernel
> > > hackers.
> >
> > It helps these people become MUCH more conformable in their knowledge of the
> > code before they start actualy WORK, as opposed to cleanup duty. Not only
> > are they familiarizing themselves with the codebase for future reference,
> > but they're HELPING in an important, but time consuming task at the same
> > time. For everyone, it's a win-win scenario.
> I'm up for some Janitorial work :)

Ditto me.  Get Mozilla on the resume, but not have to worry about having
to devote lots of time to C++ or learning XUL (my one patch to date was
incredibly trivial) until my general requirements for school are out of
the way and the CS requirements allow me some freedom to do outside
projects. :)

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