We did some evaluation of mozilla M18 build on linux 7 with pipelining ON.
The test web site which we used has 16 gifs. The sniffer used revealed that
mozilla uses only 1 TCP connection for fetching the html as well as the
embedded gifs. It first sends the GET for html and after getting the servers
response, it concatenates the GET request for each one of the gifs and sends
over to the web server. The web server ( in my case apache 1.3.19) prepares
the response by concatenating the response header and the gif data for all the
16 gifs. so far, everything is OK.. now mozilla gets the response and it hangs
( may be its not able to demarcate the gifs boundary).. did anyone else
observe the same behaviour..if yes, is it logged in bugzilla.. If its a known
problem and nobody is working on this, i offer my help in getting it

Apart from this, we are working on figuring out efficient ways of secure web
browsing with satellite as the transmission medium. If the browser/origin
server supports only HTTP 1.0, it would result a major overhead in terms of
SSL handshake for each TCP connection being set up for getting the HTML as
well as the embedded gifs etc

Though HTTP 1.1 provides some respite as it supports persistent connections
and pipelining. We would still like it to take bit further and figure out a
solution which is more bandwidth effective and provides faster access. 
This is keeping in mind that SSL handshake cant be spoofed...........

Any thoughts??????

Any comments................

Also we would also like to contribute to the developement of mozilla browser
to bring it as close to the best (in terms of HTTP 1.1 compliance etc) as



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