This is my first real experience with a large open source project, and there
is one thing which has genuinely surprised me - the quality of the code and
the discipline which has obviously been maintained when writing it. At this
stage, I'd say that it exceeds anything I've seen in commercial in-house
projects (and I've seen a hell of a lot of that!). I imagine is because this
is a labour of love for those working on it (including those being paid) not
just a job. Anywhichway, I think kudos is in order for that too.

"Hoary Cripple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey, I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I would
> like to thank all the mozilla developers for their hard work.  I've
> been using linux/moz for some time now, and I have to say that 0.8.1
> is amazing.
> Again, thank you for devoting your time to this.  I'm sure it will be
> well worth it when 1.0 finally comes out.  Like it said in the old
> milestone page:
> 1.0 party time
> Regards,
> HC

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