eillah wrote:

> Alex wrote:
>>eillah wrote:
>>>I don't think that answered my question, did you look at the link?
>>I apologize, no, I didn't read the newsgroup link. I assumed too early
>>from your message that you might have been confused over the difference
>>between Netscape and Mozilla.
>>Mozilla will read some of the plug-ins off the Netscape folder so it's
>>not necessary to copy over certain plug-ins as long as they exist in
>>Netscape's folder. Not sure if there is a way to stop Mozilla from
>>reading the folder.
>>Alex                        <:3)~~
> No I'm not confused. ...which NC plugins does Moz read?
> ...why only one (mp3) of the QT's 4  dll's? maybe I wasn't paying attention
> before but I don't remember that happening before.
> Hallie

I get questions from a lot of people who are confused between Moz and 
NS, so I was in too much of that mindset 8PP

I don't have a list of which plug-ins it reads and why it only reads one 
QT dll, but if you want all of them to be read by Mozilla, you have to 
copy them over to Mozilla's plug-in folder.

Alex                        <:3)~~

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