Marc Leger wrote:
> > Do I have to pull out my list of web standards that Mozilla supports
> > _again_? There is currently no other browser in the world with our level
> > of standards support. Least of all IE.
> I've said this til I'm blue in the face.  No one gives a shit about
> Netscape's standards support if people "out there" don't use it.  Netscape's
> only hope is to shove it up AOL users.  If not for AOL, Netscape would be
> dead.

Marc, you wore out your evangelizing in where
your welcome, quite justifiably, was somewhat frigid at times. Now you
seem to have zeroed in on a group where your comments are even less
useful to the business of the group. You should keep in mind that this
is a Mozilla group and AOL/Netscape is not topical except in a Mozilla
context. This is because many people here, though working on Mozilla,
have no connection to AOL/Netscape. Moreover, Netscape branded product
is branched and other makers of branded products will likely branch as
well since this would appear to be the best way to stabilize for RTM. In
general, you should confine discussion here to Mozilla related issues
and questions. Your comment about standards support touches on old
discussions. The Mozilla direction is standards support which seems to
be the right thing to do given that many applications of Mozilla depend
on shooting a more stable target than proprietary whim.

Visit for information about and its
goals and operation. Most essential Mozilla resources can be accessed
from there. Additional Mozilla information is found at various sites
maintained by people working on the project.

While reading the above information, do take time to read about what
each mozilla.* group considers topical. Your posts should relate to
Mozilla directly and should usually not be about Netscape branded

                        ... The times have been, 
                     That, when the brains were out, 
                          the man would die. ...         Macbeth 
               Chuck Simmons          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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