Gervase Markham wrote:

> >     interface nsIFoo : nsISupports {
> >         long getLength();
> >         void setLength(in long length);
> >         long getColor();
> >     };
> Would these not need to be GetLength and SetLength to be the same as the
> below? Or will either do?

Either will do for the C++ bindings, which capitalize, but Mozilla IDL
style is interCaps (not InterCaps), so you should not capitalize IDL
attribute or method names -- doing so makes JS, Java, etc. binding style
suck, without any workaround.

> > The code below will generate the exact same C++ signature, but is more
> > script-friendly.
> >
> >     interface nsIFoo : nsISupports {
> >         attribute long length;
> >         readonly attribute long color;
> >     };
> (I was in some code yesterday that used initial caps for these, and it
> worked...)

Bad IDL style, bug someone.


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