JTK wrote:
> I've been asking Netscape to pull the plug so we can bury the body.
> Not quite the same thing.

Why? Why not just ignore it and let the rest of us use it? Some of us actually
LIKE it, ok? Expressing your discontent is one thing, but why should the rest of
us stop participating? Why do you feel the need to constantly harass us into
submitting to your defeatist attitude? Honestly, I've never seen anyone without
an ulterior motive act in such a negative manner against others. "Give up! Stop!
It's hopeless! No, I'm just saying this because I care, really."
> So my posting is somehow preventing people from working on Maozilla's biggest
> problems, i.e. crazy memory hoggage and slowness?

No, but since you're obviously against people doing that, why would you care?

> Hey, I love to play endless semantic games as much as the next guy, but if
> you* don't mind, or even if you* do, I'm gonna stick around a while.

While it's your right, why?

> >Reread the previous replies to this thread. Nearly everyone else has
> >been arguing against you.
> Boy, you said it!  Sure are a lot of misguided folks out there.

Rather than misguided, how about we just disagree with you instead? A lot of us
feel you're misguided, but in reality, we all just disagree. In a case like
this, neither side is actually misguided.

> I never said Mozilla was dead.  I said it'd be better off dead.
> There's a difference.

Why do you feel it's better off dead? Is it because you do not like the
direction it is taking, or you think it will lead to failure? And if it is the
latter, then why not sit back, and watch it fail? That will acheive your
objective with much less effort on your part. And if it is the former, well
then, we'll just disagree and move along work on Mozilla.

jesus X  [ Booze-fueled paragon of pointless cruelty and wanton sadism. ]
 email   [ jesusx @ who.net ]
 web     [ http://burntelectrons.com ] [ Updated April 29, 2001 ]
 tag     [ The Universe: It's everywhere you want to be. ]
 warning [ All your base are belong to us. ]

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