I posted this a long time ago, (0.7?) and someone suggested going in and
manually checking to see if profiles are there, adding the profiles, etc..

It is now 0.9, almost 0.9.1, and I still have this issue.  Is there a bug
mentioned for it?  I can't possibly be doing something wrong;  if I am,
I'd think that every other user would be, too...

1.  I install mozilla.
2.  I go to run it for the first time.
3.  It tells me I have no profile.  I can either:
       a. Migrate over old NS4 profiles.
       b. Create a new one
4. I do either, it makes no difference in the end result...
5.  I start the browser. 
6.  I close the browser.
7.  I restart the browser.

....tada, it asks me all over again to generate a new profile.  This
asked, when it is very clear that the old profile info is still in
Documents/Mozilla/Profiles/Default User.  More curiously, there is also an
unnamed ("null") folder added the first time i create a profile.

Again, I get this every time, regardless if I migrate or create a new
profile, upon loading mozilla.

I really like mozilla a lot;  I use it nearly exclusively on my linux box,
and would prefer to use it on the mac.  but this is an annoying little
"featurette" that become a thorn in one's side, after a while.

Any insight?  TIA.


corey at dub dot net

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