[EMAIL PROTECTED] want to have our cake and eat it too.  We hope you
do too.  We're planning to try an experiment to see if this is
possible.  Let us know if it works for you.

We want a continuous flow of improvements on the trunk.  Both the big
stuff like Hyatt's stylesheet work, and the range of smaller but
important work planned for 0.9.2.  Nothing new here.  But at the same
time we also want a continued period of stability like we've been
enjoying the last week or so.  This is a bit new.  We've said we want
this before, but haven't done much to make it happen.

So here's our experiment.  Basically it boils down to (1)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] monitoring and metering check-ins to the trunk for
the next 2 weeks; and (2) moving up the date for the next milestone
release to the end of this 2 week period.  In other words, you'll need
an "a=" from drivers to checkin on the trunk for the next 2 weeks.

The resulting Mozilla 0.9.2 milestone will become a branch that will
turn into something that we will use to do QA and get feedback data to
validate or invalidate our process to see whether or not we can
maintain enough stability for Netscape to do a release off of the

What kinds of criteria will we use for checkins, you ask?  Fixes that
are obvious and low risk with little chance of regression are almost
always accepted.  Fixes that are a little more complex will have to be
well tested and well-reviewed before they are accepted.  Branch
landings or large landings that do pop up on the radar will have to be
really well tested and proven to be worth the possible risk in
accepting them.  We treat large landings like this as special right
now so there isn't a large change in our policy in this regards except
to say that we want to try and minimize the risk with them even more,
if possible.

Why now?  Well, stability feels damn good right now.  We've had a
chunk of big landings recently, and haven't had a real period of
stability to let us test and evaluate our progress toward Mozilla

The effect of the stability period in between the beginning of the
0.9.1 freeze and the time of the 0.9.1 branch has been wonderful.
Mozilla seems to have become a really stable product because all of
the hard work that engineers and the QA and bug triage folks have been
putting in to make sure that the really bad crashes have had focus and
have had time from the engineers to make sure they get identified and

Second, we need to find ways to manage the tree that provide balance
between needed new features and stability.  And we need to fine-tune
these techniques soon to help us get to Mozilla 1.0.  This experiment
may not be the right balance; and we're counting on your feedback to
help us improve.  But doing nothing and hoping that the tree
miraculously remains stable seems like asking for trouble getting to
Mozilla 1.0.

Third, trying this experiment now instead of one or two or three weeks
from now helps Netscape stay in sync with the trunk.

Netscape has asked us to help them out with getting their next release
after beta out the door.  Their choices were to either use the 0.9.1
branch as the basis for both the beta release that they have planned
and the next 'real' release after that or to do a release off of the
trunk some time after 0.9.1 has been released.  We ( drivers ) agreed
that it was better that Netscape stay on the trunk if possible so that
their efforts are directed at the Mozilla trunk and the trunk benefits
from the cleanup and stability work that inevitably happens before a
product release.

So we'll be implementing this experiment without a period for critique
or suggestions beforehand.  This sucks, and apologies to all.  But
we'll be expecting feedback and trying to integrate it as fast as we


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