JTK wrote:

> DeMoN_LaG wrote:
>>Mustafa Hirji wrote:
>>>>Did you even read the article? The talks between AOL and Microsoft have
>>>>broken down.
>>>But then the started talking again.
>>Kast I heard they weren't talking.  Maybe AOL will realize they have
>>enough customer base and new incoming customers WITHOUT having it on the
>>Windows desktop that they are finally going to say screw off to MS.  I'd
>>love to see a linux version of AOL
> I'd love to see AOL be Linux-ONLY.  That way they'd have exactly zero
> customers and the AOL blight would disappear from the earth.

Who said anything about Linux only?  Right now, AOL can't release a 
linux/BeOS/FreeBSD/non Win32 or Mac client because they have to use IE 
as their browser.  MS will not release IE for any other OS.  Why?  Well, 
I would imagine that they can't do it for Linux because Linux is an open 
source project, and as such they'd have to not integrate it into the 
persons desktop.  IE loses 100% of it's advantages when it's uncoupled 
from Windows (takes about as long as current Mozilla builds take to 
start).  And *if* AOL went linux only, the only reason that there would 
be zero customers is that anyone who can set up their own linux box is 
beyond AOL's user friendly environment and they use a real ISP.  Oh, 
hey, troll boy.  What's the most common web server out there?  Is it Win 
NT?  Oh.. hey look at that.  It's Apache, an OPEN SOURCE web server that 
runs on Linux, an OPEN SOURCE operating system.  When was the last time 
that Linux needed an emergency patch to fix a security hole?  Linux is 
BUILT by people who know how hackers can attack systems (and even some 
hackers themselves).  They aren't dumb enough to do stuff like MS does 
with it's IIS software and leave it vulnerable to a buffer overrun that 
let's anyone take complete control of the server over without you 
knowing.  But hell, Open Source sucks anyway, right?  Why bother with 
all this, why not just go spend a couple hundred thousand dollars on 
anything with an MS logo and wait for Bill Gates to appear in your 
dreams saying "You will be assimilated"

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