Christopher Jahn wrote:
> [copy mailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> And it came to pass that Mark wrote:
> > After calling Netscape Communications on Friday evening when
> > Netscape's secured news servers (, port
> > 563) when it become inaccessible, John from Netscape
> > Communications informed me that Netscape is no longer
> > interested in continuing the news server service and has
> > pulled the service.
> As usual, the help line guys have it wrong.  One of the Netscape
> Champions informs me that Secnews is just down for maintenance.
> I am CC'ing the newsmaster over there, perhaps we can get some
> offical position on this issue.
> --
> }:-)       Christopher Jahn
> {:-(         Dionysian Reveler
> I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle.
> To reply: xjahnATyahooDOTcom

I am glad that the news server is only down.  I was beginning to wonder
about the status of the news server.

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